Demographic Changes Group / Subgroup Provider Application
Address, Phone number, Email & DOB
What demographic changes can be updated for an off exchange individual policy in Facets? (List all that apply)
Group, Sub Group, Subscriber, Member
What categories makeup the group Hierarchy and in what order?
Hint--There are 4...
NPI is 1316020571

Address: 718 Rutheford Street
Durham, NC 27705
Using Id# 000000274.. Claim dos 06/29/15 for $150.00 Please verify the provider NPI # and the address of the practioner?
Customer Service Application
What is the name of the application used to update demographic changes in Facets
Sub Group
Where does a CSP go to get Group Admin information?
True or False
Network information is only available when using the individual practitioner ID or the individual facility ID.
False- When updating a Member email address, verify if they have a Member Services account. If so, instruct the Member that they will need to update their email address there as well.
True or False
When updating an email address, CSP will only need to update in Facets?
Group Id: 20131104
Status is : Active

Customer Service Inquiry - Transfer to Group-
Using Id# 000000274 Please provide the group id and status of this policy?
And please advise what steps you used to get there?
If there is an Agreement ID listed, the provider is participating for the member’s network.
How do you determine if a provider is particpating or not?

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