Shortage Departments | Apprehension Guidelines | The Numbers - Results | Sys Republic | Operations/Product Protection |
What is Sterling Silver?
$600,000 in shortage YTD, this department continues to be the leading shortage department.
What are Approach, Selection, Concealment, Continuous Observation, Exit with intent not to pay?
The 5 steps needed for an apprehension
What is 85?
This is the goal for DAs for the district to receive full points on the District Scorecard.
What is the Investigations Tab?
This is the location where we find our exceptions.
What are Men's Levis, Jrs Levis, and Nike?
These departments are now being inked tag in all stores.
What is Men's Levis?
At just 5% of the total sales $s, this department has a total shortage of $263k.
What is an accomplice?
The subject who takes part in the theft but does not actually shoplift any merchandise (tears tags, removes product protection, conceals into bags)
What is 29 HPA?
This is the current HPA for the district YTD
What is the Promotional Tab?
This is the section I would go into for Loyalty Seaches
What is a purse lanyard and the left shoe?
When Shoe Lanyards are not available, stores should be utilizing this product protection device and on this side of the pair.
What is Cosmetic Exclusions?
This department has increased greatly over the last year. This department is responsible for $154k and 27% of the total sales $s.
What is 60 minutes?
The amount of time allotted to prosecute a shoplifter
What is 41?
This is the total number of apprehensions needed per week to make the YTD SR Goal.
If I wanted to search for a Buy Low Return High Case, this is the widget I would use.
What is Counter Damaging?
This disposition option will bring more Sales $s to the store rather than 185 Marking Out of Stock an item.
What is Branded - Women's Nike Athletic Wear?
This department has INKED an increase in styles and department size and is now responsible for over $90k in shortage.
What is the External Questionnaire?
When utilized, this form can bring out information from an apprehension that can give us further understanding of the behaviors of shoplifters.
What is 230?
This is the total # of arrests made in Q4 LY by D89.
What is the Item Movement widget?
This widget can be useful in identifying items that were purchased by an Employee and associated with a Non-Receipted Return or Ticket Switches for Expensive Items using a common UPC.
What are cosmetics?
This item should always be disposed in the Green Recycling Bucket.
What is Classic Bras?
This department deteriorated to over $107k this year due to increased product protection in it's neighbor department.
What is 24 hrs?
This is the amount of time from opening a case to closing the case in LPMS.
What is 328?
This is the total expected apprehensions to be made by D89 from Nov 1st through Dec 26th.
What is the POS Analytic Report?
This macro metric report will give us information that can lead us to possible Dishonest Associates, located in the Secure Reports folder.
What are a defaced bar code, 000 on the end of the sub class, and a written reason?
These are the 3 things that should be present on Counter Damage merchandise.