Area Attractions | Stateline Yum | Golden Age Musicals | TV Trivia | Classic SNL |
What is the Double Dare Drop
This area waterslide allows two patrons to race their way to a splashing finish.
What is Beef-a roo
What local eatery cooks it just for you?
What are band instruments
What did Harold Hill sell to the townspeople in the Music Man?
What is Mulder and Skully
What are the names of the two main characters in the X files?
What is more cowbell?
What was Chris Walkens one and only cure for a fever?
What is Aldeen park?
What local sledding hill provides iconic winter danger along Alpine?
What is Greenfire?
This Riverside gem was formerly a party place for pizza going kiddos.
What is an airstrike?
In White Christmas, what interrupts the opening wartime performance?
What is Tool Time?
What is the name of the fictitious TV Show recorded regularly in Tim Allen's Home Improvement?
What is Fance?
What country did the Coneheads identify as their country of origin?
What is Olson Lake?
East of I-90, this State Park lake offers a great place to swim in the summer.
What is Stone Eagle?
What area restaurant proudly displays "NOT a Chain Restaurant" on its sign?
What is the trolley and the bell?
In "Meet Me in St. Louis", what goes clang clang clang and what goes ding ding ding?
What is the Smelly Cat?
What putrid pet does Phoebe sing about in Friends?
Who is Dan Akroyd?
What early cast member introduced the world to the Super Bass-O-Matic?
What is Edwards West?
This local orchard features fresh pressed Apple Cider Slushies
What is the Hoffman House?
This area eatery is known for their enormous "Salad Well"
What is Rydell High School?
In Grease, what is the name of the High School that the characters attend?
Who are Myrtle Urkel and Steffan Urkelle?
From Family Matters, what are the two other offshoot characters does Steve Urkel play?
Who is Patrick Swayze?
Who auditions alongside of Chris Farley for the role of a Chippendale's dance?
What is Coco Keys?
This bird-brained I-90 attraction infamously sold Groupons while closed for quarantine.
What is Papa Giovanni's?
Currently under construction, what was the last restaurant on Windsor across from the elementary school?
What is Eidelwiess?
In the Sound of Music, what flower does Mr. Von Trapp tearfully serenade?
What is standing by during a robbery?
From the conclusion of Seinfeld, what charge sends the group to prison?
What is the "Blues Brothers"?
This 1980 film was the first SNL sketch to make it to the silver screen.