Table Etiquette | Every day courtesy | Fashion |
What do you do with your phone?
Do not use the phone at table, excuse yourself.
When is it proper time to leave the movie?
After the credits have rolled.
Where do your elbows go?
Not on the table.
Who holds the door?
Whoever gets there first.
Where should your nap go?
In your lap.
How do you greet someone properly?
Shake their hand and say "Hello"
When on a dinner date, is it more polite to sit beside them or in front of them?
In front of them.
Do you let people out on the elevator first or let them in?
You let them out.
When not wanting wine what do you do?
You put your finger tips on the rim and say "Not today"/ turn your glass over.
What to do when you receive news you don't have interest in?
You say "congratulations"/ hug them, depending on the situation.