Finish the Quote | Characters of Middle Earth | Middle Earth Trivia | Who said that? | Geography of Middle Earth |
What is walk into Mordor
‘One does not simply…’
Who is Gandalf the gray
The gray wizard also known as Mithrandir?
What is Lothlorian
Where do Celeborn and Galadriel live in middle earth during the third age?
Who is Pippin
‘We’ve had one yes, what about second breakfast?’
What is Rivendell or Imladris
Where is the home of Elrond?
What is can change the course of the future
‘Even the smallest person…’
Who is Eomer
The brother of Eowyn
Who are Melkor and Ungoliant
Who destroyed the two trees of Valinor?
Who is Sam
‘There’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it’s worth fighting for!’
What is Edoras
What is the name of the capital of Rohan?
What is what to do with the time that is given us
‘All we have to decide is…’
Who is Faramir
A captain of Gondor and youngest son of Denethor II
Who are the wizards
Who are the the Istari?
Who is Eomer
‘I would cut off your head, Dwarf, if it stood a little higher from the ground.’
What is the Gladden Fields/the Anduin River
Where did Isildor die and lose the one ring?
What is when all other lights go out
‘May it be a light to you in dark places…’
Who is Turin Turambar
The son of Hurin and slayer of Glarung the dragon
Who is Eru
The most powerful god of middle earth
Who is Faramir
‘The men wait for my command, shall I shoot?’
What is Valinor
Where do the Valar live?
What is passed out of all knowledge
‘History became legend. Legend became myth. And for two and a half thousand years, the ring...’
Who is Ar-Pharazon
The last king of Numenor
What is Mount Gundabad
Where did Durin I awake in middle earth?
Who is Gollum/Smeagol
‘No! Not that way!’
What is Angband
Where does Morgoth set up his greatest stonghold in middle earth during the first age?