The Island | Irony | Characters | Events | Vocabulary |
An Island
What are the boys stuck on?
When the audience knows something the characters don't.
What is dramatic irony?
Ralph, Simon, Roger, Piggy, Jack, Eric, Sam
Name 3 characters
A conch shell
What did Ralph and Piggy find?
covered in plants
What does undergrowth mean?
A mountain to get a better view
What do Simon, Ralph, and Jack climb up? Why?
What kind of irony is this: The cat was not afraid of the dog and kept chasing him.
Piggy and Ralph
Who are the first two characters in the story?
Who blew the conch shell?
to reflect from light
What does glistening mean?
Pink Granite (Rock)
What is the mountain made out of?
The opposite of what you expect
What is situational irony?
What condition does Piggy have?
A boulder ( large rock)
What did the three boys have to move to keep going up the mountain?
A shell
What is a conch?
The plane crash site.
What is the scar?
Saying the opposite of what you mean.
What is verbal irony?
Who is voted leader of the boys?
Not let anyone call him Piggy
What did Piggy ask Ralph to do?
To spread out
What does disperse mean?
There are two bodies of water, the ocean and _______
Say one example of verbal irony.
The Choir Boys (hunters)
Jack is the leader of ___________
Jack tried to kill the pig, but was too scared to do it.
Describe what happened with the pig and the three boys.
A bright light
What does effulgence mean?