Awwuuu | Pak Ganern | Push Yarrrn | Anything under the sun |
No, follow the Order Form and update BAN level.
If there is a minor difference in address (Order Form vs. go/Bex), e.g. Floor #, Door #, we need to push it back
FESA date / countersigned date
Close date is the?
Prepay (Annual, Quarterly, Semi Annual), Customer Hosted
fmf/looker_prepay_customer_hosted_IBI_PBL is for what billing frequency and hosting type?
No, we can proceed and close win opportunities.
We do not process a Marketplace Renewal
It should be Google Verified
For NB, the Email address of the Primary Contact should not be Google Verified
Subscription Start date(custom) / last signed date(if custom start date is not provided)
Contract Effective Date is the?
Terminate at End Term
Term End Behavior should be?
Support cases - should be tagged as Issue Resolved
Policy #1 - No Exception, Resubmission is needed
In Order Exception, Incorrect Google contracting entity for the product, per go/cloud-approved-countries will fall under what policy?
Stage 3.
Opportunity Validation in Vector should be in Stage 4
No, unless the discount is different
Same SKU products with different quantities with same discount should be blended
Add ##Amount Currency to Vector Case subject line
Subject Format for Bookable Cases
Retroactive approval is required.
Direct Deal
Order Form for approval was sent on August 15, 2022 and the start date is August 1, 2022 but the order form is already expired or cancelled. We received a new order form for approval last September 9, 2022 and no issue found - do we need a retrodate bug |
The Google Cloud Platform amount should match the ACV
In PST provisioning, if the SKU is 100% discount we should capture the "Additional Discount to be inputted into Argentum
End Customer IBA / GCP Sub Billing Account
What IBA do we use for Looker Subscription provisioning in PST Deal?
Regional VP
Who is the correct approver for >50% to <=70% discount
Description Field
If a Renewal includes an Upsell, the Vector Renewal Opportunity ID should be listed under what field under the Upsell Opty?
it should coterm with the billing schedule of the renewal.
What isHow to provision a standalone upsell billing frequency of annual or quarterly?
No, confirm with the FSR if they want to use the existing IBA for Looker or create a new one.
For NB, If the customer has a Cloud billing account but none for Looker we can proceed in provisioning the Looker Subscription under Cloud Billing Account