I Want Meat | Be Careful What You Say | The Land of Milk and Honey | Dragons in the Scriptures? |
What is manna?
Even though this was a great blessing to the Israelites, they began to complain about it after eating it every day.
Who are Miriam and Aaron?
These two didn't get along with their sister-in-law.
What is 40 years?
How long the Israelites had to wander in the wilderness because of their faithlessness and complaining.
What is complain or murmur?
Although the Lord helped the Israelites defeat their enemies, they continued to do this,
What is Egypt?
Thinking about fish and cucumbers, the Israelites longed to return to this place.
What is leprous?
Miriam found herself in this condition after challenging Moses' authority.
What is Canaan?
The promised land.
What are fiery serpents?
They bit the people and many of them died.
What is quail?
Flesh you want, flesh you shall have!
What is 7 days?
Time-out for criticizing your brother, the prophet, or if your father spits in your face.
What is 12 men?
Moses sent these to check out the promised land by spying on its inhabitants.
What is look at the brass serpent?
Antidote for deadly bites.
What is a plague?
Sickness and death caused by greed and overindulgence.
What is a vision or dream?
The way the Lord will make himself known to your average prophet.
Who are Joshua and Caleb?
They saw the glass half full, while the other 10 did not.
Who is Jesus Christ?
Symbolized by the brass serpent.
What are 70 elders?
They finally took some of the burden from Moses, after he reached the end of his rope with all the complaining.
Who are Moses and the brother of Jared?
The Lord spoke with them and revealed himself to them because of their faith and righteousness.
What is adults of Israel?
Fed up with their lack of commitment to the covenant they made with him, the Lord said they would never make it to the promised land.
What is eternal life?
Alma taught that just as the way to be healed from the fiery serpents was easy, so too is the way to this ultimate goal.