LOGIS History | LOGIS Employees | LOGIS Membership | Final LOGIS Jeopardy |
What is May 1972
Month and year LOGIS was started.
Who is Dave Pikal, Rachel Romansky, Rebecca Kress, etc.
Name a LOGIS employee (not on our team) that worked at a member site.
Who is Moorhead
The member the furthest distance away.
10 - Golden Valley & Coon Rapids, April 21, 1972; Brooklyn Center, New Hope, Edina, Fridley, Orono, Crystal, St Louis Park, Brooklyn Park
How many founding LOGIS members and can you name them?
What is 3
Number of Executive Directors LOGIS has had/
What is 68, 46 non Insurance
Current number of LOGIS employees.
What is 63
Number of LOGIS members
What is Brooklyn Center
First location of LOGIS building.
Who is Kevin Pikkaraine
Name of the employee with the longest tenure.
What is 5
How many members on the Executive Committe