Types of Loans | Credit | Loan Benchmarks | Paperwork Needed | Odds and Ends |
What is conventional loan
A typical fannie/freddie loan
What is a collection
You haven't paid a creditor and now your debt has been sold to someone else
What is clear to close
You are ready to order loan docs!!
What is a paystub
Record of earnings for a defined period of time
What is prequal package
Accompanies a purchase offer showing borrower can get a loan
What is a bank statement loan
A loan that uses 12-24 months of asset statements for income
What is a 30 day late
You haven't paid your monthly debt on time
What is Disclosures OUT
You must esign your loan docs
What are bank statements
Monthly (sometimes quarterly) record of accumulated assets
What is Recorded
Deed has been changed to show borrowers ownership of the property
What is an ITIN loan
a loan for people who do not have citizenship
What is installment debt
Monthly debt for a car or loan with a set monthly amount owed
What is Underwriting
You are waiting for someone to make a decision on your loan paperwork
What is a 401k
Employee sponsored personal pension accout
What is locking your rate
Fixing the rate regardless of market conditions
What is an asset depletion loan
Loans for people with lots of money and no INCOME
What is revolving debt
debt where the balance and monthly debt change
What is Funded
Lender has sent their wire to escrow
What are tax returns
Yearly record of income and expenses filed with the IRS
What is la rapid rescore
Paying down debt to increase FICO during a transaction
What is debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) loan
Loan that uses ONLY rents and equity to qualify
What is medical debt
Collections that have little/no effect on your score and disregarded in the loan decision
What is submission
Your loan has been sent to lender
What is dividend income
$ paid regularyy to shareholder's from company profits
What is loan estimate or closing disclosure
lists of cost for the loan