Roman authors

Kings and Rulers Verbs Husbands, Wives, and Lovers Vocabulary and Derivatives Roman Children
Who is Romulus
He was the first king of Rome
What is Verb 1
This is the conjugation number for "firmo".
Who is Venus
I am the wife of Vulcan.
What is hubris
This means "excessive pride".
What is "naming"
The "Dies Lustricus" was known as the day for this.
Who is Julius Caesar
He died on the Ides of March, 44 BC
What is "possunt"
This is the 3rd person plural of the verb possum, present tense.
Who is Thisbe
I planned to be the wife of Pyramus
What is "doceo"
The words "docile", "doctorate", and "document" are all derived from this word.
What is the clan name/nomen of their father
Girls were named after the feminine form of this.
Who is Aeneas
He founded the Latin race.
What is "Iubeo"
This verb means to order and usually takes an infinitive.
Who is Daphne
Apollo loved me, but I preferred to be turned into a laurel tree.
What is littera
We derived our word "illiterate" from this word.
What is "Paedogogus
For young children, this kind of slave was given to oversee the studies and to take the child to and from school.
Who is Neptune
He ruled over the seas.
What is "you are accustomed"
"Soleo" in 2nd person singular would be translated this way.
Who is Philemon
While I filled the wine bowl for 2 gods, Baucis prepared a meal for them.
What is reward
The meaning of "praemium" is this.
What is weaving
Girls were expected to learn household management and this.
Who is Tarquinius Superbus
He was the last king of Rome.
What is intransitive
The verb "maneo" can only be transitive or intransitive.
Who is Argus
He was Hera's watchman.
What is far
"Longe" is an adverb meaning this.
What is the ninth day.
Boy babies were named this number of days after birth.
De Bello Gallico
Julius Caesar wrote this book about his war in Gaul. Answer in Latin.

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