Chickens&Rabbits | Sheep&Goats | Swine | Beef Cattle | Dairy Cattle |
What is a Rhode Island Red?
This breed of chicken originated in Rhode Island, does very well in cold climates and is considered dual purpose.
What is a Suffolk sheep?
This breed of sheep is raised primarily for meat production but is highly susceptible to Spider Lamb Syndrome.
What is a Yorkshire?
This pig is known for its white skin and upright ears, as well as its exceptionally lean meat.
What is an Angus?
This iconic breed is all black, naturally polled and the most popular in the United States thanks to strong marketing efforts.
What is a Holstien?
This iconic cow is black and white and the most prolific producer of the dairy cattle breeds.
What is a Dutch rabbit?
This breed of rabbit is easily recognized by its black fur with a white belt and they make excellent pets.
What is a Boer goat?
This most common breed of goat for meat production. It is easily identified by its brown-red head and white body.
What is a Duroc?
This reddish hue pig has folded ears and has quick growing but well developed muscles.
What is a Hereford?
This breed is characterized by its red color and white face and popular on its own or for crossbreeding. The cows are prized for being excellent mothers.
What is a Brown Swiss?
This large breed has grey-brown coloring is recognized for its longevity and soundness. The milk is also highly prized for making cheese.
What is a Silkie?
This chicken originated in China and is easily recognized by is fluffy feathers.
What is Dorset sheep?
This breed of sheep is known for its excellent meat quality but is also used for milk production.
What is a Hampshire?
This pig is easily recognized by its black color with a white belt. It is best known for lean meat and high carcass quality.
What is a Brahma?
This breed is particularly resistant to heat and insects and is easily recognized by the humps between it shoulders. It originated in India.
What is a Jersey?
This small framed cow has iconic brown fur with large brown eyes and is prized for high fat content in her milk.
What is an Angora?
This breed of rabbit makes an excellent pet, but is also used for wool production. The four types include English, French, Giant and Satin.
What is a Lamancha?
This dairy breed of goat has unique ears that are one inch or less in length and is prized for high butterfat content.
What is Landrace?
This pig has white skin and folded ears and is known for birthing large litters.
What is a Red Angus?
This breed, almost identical to Black Angus cattle, is characterized by its red fur.
What is a Milking Shorthorn?
Although classified as a dairy breed, this cow is popular to use in beef herds as well because of excellent mothering qualities. Her milk is very high in protien.
What is a White Leghorn?
The most common chicken used for egg production and easily recognized by its yellow feet, white feathers and red comb.
What is a Merino sheep?
This Spanish breed of sheep is prized for its high quality wool.
What is a Chester White?
This breed of pig has white skin, is very durable and an excellent mother.
What is a Charolais?
This large breed is classically white and known for heavy muscling. They are also popular for crossbreeding.
What is an Guernsey?
This cow is popular for producing "golden milk" that is high in fat and protein. She can be fawn or red and white.