Important Words & Definitions | Symbols | Steps of Mass |
What is Christos?
Means "anointed one in Greek. Often used in a chant that pleads for mercy and expresses awe regarding Christ's rise.
What does "Confiteor" mean?
The word that is Latin for "I confess". This act allows us to pray aloud together.
What is the Sign of the Cross?
The act a liturgical prayer starts with us marking our bodies (forehead, chest, left shoulder, and right shoulder) with this prayer.
What is the Confiteor?
Praying aloud for forgiveness, before causing halfway to strike over our hearts to convey guilt and sorrow for our sins.
What is the definition of "Kyrios"
In Greek, this word means "Lord". The word is used as a part of a common Greek chant we have used for centuries.
What is the Entrance Chant?
The act helps us know that we are one with each other. When we all sing together, we make one voice that joins Christ.
What is Glory to God?
The song of angels at Christ's birth is typically sung on Sundays and feast days. It isn't sung during Advent or Lent, as it is a season of penance
What is "Christ, Eleison"?
In Greek, these words mean "Christ, have mercy". It is the appropriate response to the priest saying "Christ, have mercy".
What is The Greeting?
The way the priest greets us through words of scripture. It recognizes that we are gods holy people.
What is the Sprinkling Rite?
When the priest walks around the church sprinkling blast water from the baptismal font on us. Following this, we make the sign of the cross.
What is "Christos"?
The Greek translation of the Hebrew word "Messiah". Can be translated through Greek to mean "anointed one".
What is the Penitential Act?
The act of asking God and each other for forgiveness for the times we have sinned.
What is the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
The act of having the chance to talk things through with a priest and receive God's forgiveness. This can help you start over on the right foot with God.
What does "Kyrie, eleison; Christe eleison".
It is a Greek chant Christians have used for centuries that means "Lord, have mercy; Christ, have mercy".
What is The Collect?
The act that closes the Liturgy Introductory Rites, which gathers or collects everyone's prayers.