Lititz History | The Moravians | Wilbur Chocolate | Sturgis Pretzels |
Who is Christian Bomberger
Who was the first person from Europe to live in Lititz?
What is the Moravian Star
What is a symbol of the Moravian church?
What is Wilbur buds
Which came first Hershey Kisses or Wilbur buds?
What is pretzels
What does Sturgis make?
Who are the Moravians
What people group came to Lititz to have religious freedom?
What is the Lovefeast
A Moravian traditional celebration of the creator of the star, the star that guided the wise men, and the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy is called?
Who is H.O. Wilber
Who joined Samuel Croft's candy business in 1865?
What is saying prayers
Soft pretzels were given as a reward for what?
Who is Count Nicholas Zinzendorf
Who gave the Moravians a place to worship?
What is yellow, white, and red
Name the three most common colors of the Moravian Star.
Who are his sons
When the creator of Wilbur Chocolate Factory retired, who took over the chocolate factory?
What is arms crossed in prayer
The shape of a pretzel represents what?
What is Lititz Springs Park
John George Klein acquired the land for what park in Lititz?
What is the Czech Republic
In which country did the Moravian church begin?
In 1939 the chocolate factory in this town moved to Lititz?
Who is Julius Sturgis
The first pretzel bakery was founded by whom?
What is a church
The land in Lititz was meant to be used for what?
Who is John Amos Comenius or John Hus
He was the first leader of the Moravian Church
What is candy
Croft & Allen split from Wilbur & Sons to make what?
Who is Bruce Thomas Sturgis
Who is the president of Tom Sturgis Pretzels Inc. in Reading?