Sound Devices | Literary Devices | Literary Devices p.2 | Literary Devices p. 3 |
What is alliteration?
Peter Piper Pizza
What is simile?
Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
What is oxymoron?
Pretty ugly
What is hyperbole?
I got a million things to do.
What is onomatopoeia?
Boom, Buzz
What is metaphor?
Freddie is a pig when he eats
What is personification?
The stars dances playfully in the moonlit sky
What is understatement?
Its OK
What is consonance?
And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain
What is allusion?
Chocolate was her Achilles heel
What is sarcasm?
This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.
What is Free verse?
Some kind of attraction that is neither
Animal, vegetable, nor mineral, a power not Solar, fusion, or magnetic And it is all in my head thath Findyng myself describing the pretty to you |
What is assonance?
The railroad track is miles away
What is symbolism?
What is irony?
The Titanic was promoted as being 100% unsinkable; but in 1912 the ship sank on its maiden voyage
What is prose?
This is Mr. Harry
I dont care about learning but i want tons of money and a good life. |
What is allegory?
Animal Farm
What is paradox?
You can save money by spending it
What is blank verse?
Something there is that dosent love a wall.
That sends forzen grounds tov it Love me love me with your heart HerrLover |