Literary Device Definition Literary Device Identification Literary Device Effect TISAS/Dialogue Rules
What is a simile?
What is a comparison between two different objects using "like," or "as". The effect of the comparison enhances the reader's understanding of an idea.
What is personification?
What is the following an example of: The wind said goodnight and the stars sang us to sleep.
What is lost love, sadness, alteration, etc?
What is the effect of the following metaphor: Your love, once a red, red rose, has lost its scent.
What is emotional detail and physical detail?
What kinds of character detail is the following AND what's the effect? He/she was the type of person who never ate sitting down. His/her toe was always tapping and his/her nails were bitten down to the quick.
What is imagery?
What is vivid description/figurative language that creates images in the reader's mind through the use of sensory language
What is allusion?
What is the following an example of: Oh that girl? She's the female Lebron James.
What is danger, impending doom, the "s" beginnings sound like the sound of a snake slithering?
What is the effect of the following alliteration: The snake slid stealthily between the tall grass towards our sleeping bodies.
What is material detail?
What kind of character detail is this AND what is the effect: He/she walked into the room, wearing a sweatshirt that was two sizes too big and boldly displayed the Nike swoosh on the front.
What is metaphor?
What is a direct comparison between two unlike things/ideas where one thing “becomes” the other without the use of the word like, as, than, or resembles.
What is alliteration?
What is the following an example of: The dog drizzled his drool on the doll with a delightfully dopey look on his face.
What is good basketball player, maybe headed for a bit of a career scandal?
What is the effect of the following allusion: Oh that girl? She's the female Lebron James.
What is inside the quotation marks?
What is the correct location for all punctuation that connects dialogue tags to dialogue?
What is symbol?
What is one thing that stands for, or represents, something else in order to make us understand something about the text.
What is metaphor?
What is the following an example of: Your love, once a red, red rose, has lost its scent.
What is the water seems alive and wants to cause harm, intensifies the cold by making it seem alive and out of human control?
What is the effect of the following personification: The water leapt over the edge of the boat, attacking our exposed cheeks and surrounded our feet in icy cold.
What is create a new paragraph and indent for each new speaker?
What is the correct way to show a new speaker when writing dialogue?
What is allusion?
When an author references another work of literature, historical event, historical figure, or a specific place without explanation or detail. The goal of this device is to provide additional meaning/context to their work through the comparison the referen
What is imagery?
What is the following an example of: The white dots materialized, and drifted into our hair, each flake its own world of left turns and razor sharp edges.
Yoda, duh.
What is Ms. Wendel's class mascot?
1) run-on
2) missing comma after cold
3) He said vs. he said
What are the three errors in the following:
"Hey, it's time to go I'm cold"He said.

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