Definitions | Fact or Cap | random questions we put because we were tired :) |
What is Aside?
A remark made by a character towards the audience, but unheard by the others
What is Cap?
a remark that's made towards the audience and is heard by others is an Epiphany
What are Soliloquy and Aside?
These two devices are similar because they are both spoken directly to the audience.
What is Soliloquy?
An act of speaking one’s thoughts aloud when by oneself
What is Fact?
An aside can break the fourth wall
What is Apostrophe?
Juliet speaking to Romeo while he isn't present in the scene is an example of....
What is Epiphany?
in literature, refers generally to a Visionary moment when a character has a sudden insight or realization that changes their understanding of themselves or their comprehension of the World around them.
What is Fact?
When Hamlet says "to be or not to be" to the skull, it is an example of Apostrophe.
What is Epiphany?
Elsa realizing that it takes love and warm hugs to thaw a frozen heart is an example of....
What is Monologue?
A long speech by one character, to express their thoughts aloud
What is Cap?
A monologue is the idea that things represents other things.
What is another character?
A monologue is typically given to....
What is Apostrophe?
when a speaker breaks off from addressing one party and instead addresses a third party. This third party may be an individual, either present or absent in the scene, an inanimate object, or an abstract concept.
What is Cap?
Giving human characteristics to an inanimate object is Apostrophe.
What is the fourth wall?
This is typically broken during Asides and Soliloquy