Sound Devices | Metaphor, Simile, Allusion, Symbol, Allegory, Personification | Oxymoron, paradox, hyperbole, onomatopoeia | Miscellaneous |
What is Alliteration?
Repetition of first consonant sounds in several words
What is Hyperbole?
Outrageous exaggeration to make a point
What is Oxymoron?
"Known secret" This is an example of:
What is Climax?
High point of interest or suspense
What is Assonance?
"Fleet feet sweep by sleeping geese" This is an example of:
What is Simile?
"My love is like a red red rose" This is an example of:
What is Paradox?
"Someday you will be old enough, to be young again" This is an example of:
What is Imagery?
"The river was roaring." This is an example of:
What is Conssonance?
"Dragging the lazy languid line along" This is an example of:
What is Allusion?
"The girl's love for chocolate was her Achiles' heel" This is an example of:
What is Hyperbole?
"The boys runs faster than a car!" This is an example of:
What is Narrator?
Speaker who tells a story
What is Repetition?
" To the swinging and ringing
of the bells, bells, bells-- Of the bells, bells, bells, bells Bells, bells, bells-- To the rhyming and thhe chiming of the bells" This is an example of: |
What is Symbol?
"The American flag" This is an example of:
What is Onomatopoeia?
"Splash!" This is an example of:
What is Blank verse?
Poetic form of unrhymed iambic pentameter
What is Diction?
"The bitter, rotten fruit smelled sickenly in the heat"
This is an example of: |
What is Allegory?
"Animal Farm" This is an example of:
What is Hyperbole?
"My feet are killing me!" This is an example of:
What is Free verse?
Poetic form that does not have a regular meter or rhyme scheme.