Sound Devices | Comparisons | Written | More |
What is Onomatopeia?
Boom! Splack!
What is metaphor?
'Her hair is gold' is an example of this.
What is foreshadowing?
'The leaves fell early that year' is an example of this.
What is allusion?
I was surprised his nose was not growing like Pinoccio's.
What is consonance?
The repetition of consonants in a verse.
What is simile?
'You are as brave as a lion' is an example of this.
What is hyperbole?
'I can smell pizza from a mile away' is an example of this.
What is internal rhyme?
'I went to town to buy a gown. / I took the car and it wasn’t far.' is an example of this.
What is assonance?
'The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plane' is an example of this.
What is Personification?
'The tree danced with the rhythm of the wind' is an example of this.
What is a symbol?
A dove is an example of this.
What is irony?
You study all week for a spelling test then misspell your name on the test.
What is rhyme?
The last syllable or two in lines of verse that have similar sounds.
What is Oxymoron?
It is painfully beautiful.
What is prose?
'The poor are very great people, they can teach us many beautiful things. We just have to give them a listen to learn and see.' is an example of this.
What is idiom?
'Sick as a dog' is an example of this.
What is alliteration?
'An apple after an almond' is an example of this.
What is paradox?
You can save money by spending it.
What is imagery?
On a starry winter night in Madrid.
What is tone?
The attitude a writer takes towards a subject, character, or the reader.