Emergent and Early Literacy Phonics and Reading Development Fluency Miscellaneous Comprehension
What is phonological awareness?
An umbrella term indicating the ability to recognize, identify, and manipulate spoken sounds and words.
What is a morpheme?
The smallest unit of meaning.
What are the components of fluency?
Accuracy, rate, and prosody
What is culturally responsive teaching?
pedagogy of "teaching that is about helping culturally and linguistically diverse students who have been marginalized in schools build their skill and capacity to do rigorous work. The focus isn’t on motivation but on improving their brainpower and information processing skills."
What are levels of comprehension meaning-making?
literal, inferential, and evaluative
What is phonemic awareness?
The most complex level of phonological awareness including identification, segmentation, and manipulation of sounds. It is also one predictor of reading success.
What are consonant blends?
Consonant pairs or clusters where you still hear and say each sound.
What is the instructional level (i.e. the zone of proximal development) in reading accuracy?
90-94% accuracy in a text
What is inflectional endings?
Affixes added to the end of words to indicate number or tense.
What are text structures in informational texts?
chronological, descriptive, cause and effect, compare/contrast, problem/solution, question/answer
What is alphabetic principle?
Awareness that phonemes (sounds) are represented by letters and letter pairs.
What are approaches to phonics instruction?
Synthetic vs Analytic
(Synthetic part-to-whole; analytic whole-to-part)
What are instructional strategies for fluency development?
repeated readings, echo reading, choral reading, reader's theatre, partner reading
What is a running/reading record?
An assessment that allows for in-depth observation of children's decoding, accuracy, and fluency as readers.
What is think aloud?
the process of talking about your thinking and process of a text while applying multiple strategies as a reader to facilitate children's meaning-making
What is emergent literacy?
The notion that literacy begins before a can speak and that literacy is a continual process of development.
What are the three cueing systems to support readers in predicting, confirming, and self-correcting words with automaticity?
Semantics (meaning), syntax (Structure), and phonics (visual)
What is round robin reading?
A reading methods that does NOT support fluency development or accuracy and should not be used in classroom instruction.
What is the gradual release of responsibility?
I do (explain and model), we do (practice with feedback), you do (independent/group application)
What is close reading?
A process of reading a text multiple times to support children to build more complex understanding over time.
What is phoneme manipulation?
adding, deleting, and substituting sounds in words
What is multisensory instruction?
A type of instruction often used in phonics that engages more than one sense at a time. Using sight, hearing, movement, and touch gives kids more than one way to connect with what they are learning. This is helpful for children to internalize and engage with their learning experiences.
What is words correct per minute (WCPM) and/or a rubric with components such as prosody, expression, rate, and phrasing?
The way that fluency is calculated and tracked when listening to children's reading aloud.
What are choice, engagement, motivation, and agency?
Beyond the components of literacy instruction (fluency, comprehension, phonics, phonological awareness, vocabulary) this/these components distinctly matter in building successful literacy instruction.
What is metacognitive strategies?
The ability to become aware of one's own reading process and thoughts as they read.

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