List 7 | List 7 | List 7 |
What is culpable
deserving blame or guilt; at fault for a wrong-doing
What is dialogue
conversation between two or more people
What is necrotic
describes the death of a portion of animal or plant tissue
What is culprit
the person or thing to blame for an offense
What is transfusion
the passing of something from one person, place, or thing to another
What is necromancer
one who practices “ black magic ”or communication with the dead
What is exculpate
to clear from blame, guilt, or fault
What is fusillade
1)continuous discharge of a firearm/weapon
2) an outpouring of speech |
What is diagonal
connecting two angles or points that are not side by side
What is diffuse
to pour out or spread widely or thinly
What is diameter
a straight line (or measurement of a straight line) passing across the middle of figure
What is necropolis
a cemetery, usually one from an ancient city