States of Matter | All over the place... | Lots of good stuff... | Liquids... | |
What is the transition from solid directly to vapor called?
Heat of fusion
When a solid is melting, what type of heat required?
LDF, Dipole-dipole, Hydrogen bonding
Order the IMFs from weakest to strongest.
The greater the IMF's, the higher the vapor pressure
How are vapor pressure and IMF's related?
C + 273 = K
What is the conversion from degrees C to K?
What is the transition from vapor to solid?
BP at 1 atm; 373 K
What is meant by normal boiling point? What is the normal boiling point of water in K?
What types of substances have LDF?
pressure exerted by a vapor above a liquid
What is definition of vapor pressure?
Those with Hydrogen bonded directly to N, O or F.
What types of substances hydrogen-bond?
Solid with regular arrangement of atoms
Molar heat of vaporization
What is the energy required to vaporize one mole of a liquid
Surface tension
What makes substances "bead"?
Physical Equilibrium
What is the name given to the situation when the rate of condensation equals the rate of evaporation?
The temp stays the same until the solid is completely melted. The energy goes to overcoming IMFs. Once the solid is completely melted, the temp will increase as energy is added.
What a solid starts to melt, what happens to the temperature as energy is added?
Matter that contains a mixture of elements and has metallic properties
Water is one of the few substances that expands when it freezes making the ice less dense than the liquid water.
Compare the density of liquid water and ice...
Ionic, molecular, network and metallic
What are the four types of crystalline solids?
As atm pressure decreases, bp decreases.
How are atmospheric pressure and boiling point related?
Measure of average kinetic energy of the substance. KE is energy of motion.
What is definition of temp?
Ionic Solids
Type of solid with the highest melting point
The hydrogen from one water molecule bonds to the oxygen in the another molecule
When water hydrogen bonds, can you draw it? What atoms bond to what atoms?
Draw the heating curve of water. Label the temperatures and label all phases.
760 torr and 760 mm Hg
Convert an atmospheric pressure of 1 atm into torr and mm Hg...
Crystalline solids have a regular arrangement of atoms while amorphous solids do not. Crystalline solids typically have higher melting points. A good example are ionic solids which have high MPs..
What is the difference between crystalline solids and amorphous solids? How do the melting points compare?