Current Events | Persons Places and Things | Words that start with F | Currency | Mystery Box |
What is oil
What commodity is experiencing a shortage and therefore driving prices up across all industries?
What is the common name for a non fungible token?
What is fraud
Another word for deceit or trickery
What is the ruble
What is the currency in russia
What is Tom Brady
What professional athlete just came out of retirement?
What is Ketanji Brown Jackson
What judge is being considered for a place on the US Supreme Court?
What is Asia
COVID cases in what continent just passed 100 million?
What is franchise
Structure of business ownership
ex: Chick fil A |
What is the afghani
What is the currency of Afghanistan?
What is alopecia
What is the disorder that Chris Rock made fun of at the Oscars?
What is Lululemon
What leisure wear company is expanding into footwear?
What is Bernie Madoff
What financial scammer has the same name as a 2020 presidential candidate?
What is First In First Out
What does the acronym FIFO stand for?
What is yen
What is the currency in Japan
What is Villanova
Who is the best free-throw shooting team in college basketball?
What is Israel
What middle eastern country has been facing repeated terrorist attacks in the past week?
What is Volodymyr Zelensky
What is the name of Ukraine's president?
What is the Federal Reservve
This part of the government is responsible for balancing inflation and unemployment (monetary policy)
What is lira
What is Turkey's currency
What is Unlimited Love
What is the Red Hot Chili Peppers' latest album?
What is Otto van Bismarck
What German prime minister advocated for the political perspective of Realpolitik?
What is PlayStation Plus
What is the name of XBox's rival company's subscription service?
What is Futures
Derivative financial contracts that obligate a buyer to purchase an asset at a later date
What is Axie Infinity
Hackers stole 450 million in crypto from what blockchain nft game?
What is X and Y
What letters of the alphabet do the children of the SpaceX CEO have as names? (Two letters)