What is Light? | Bouncing and bending Light | Focusing on lenses | How does Light Travel | Reflecting on Mirrors/ Color of Light |
What is a crest
What is the high point of light called?
When light bends
What is refraction?
What is a curved piece of material that refracts?
What would you call material that transmit all the light that strikes it?
A triangular prism
What is a prism?
What is trough
What is the low point of light called?
regular reflection
What kind of reflection happens when light hits a smooth surface?
convex lens
What type of lens has a bulge?
What is it called when light bounces back?
plane mirror
What type of mirror reflects in a regular way?
What is a wavelength
What is distance from crest to crest or trough to trough called?
irregular reflection
What is it call when light hits a rough surface and bounces in different directions?
concave lens
What type of lens curves inward?
What do you call a material that allows light to go through but scatters the light?
white light
What is a light made up of 7 different colors?
What is frequency
What is number of waves that passes a certain spot each second?
Answers may vary
Give an example of an irregular reflection
Things are blurry far away
What does it mean if you are near-sighted?
What term means light can go through an object?
convex mirror
What kind of mirror bends outward?
What is radiant energy/light
What is energy that includes light and heat
Answers may vary
Give an example of a regular reflection
Things are blurry close up
What does it mean if you are far-sighted?
What would you call material that light can’t go through?
concave mirror
What kind of mirror bends inward?