Boundaries | Self-Care | Wellness | Communication | Meals and Food |
Depends. Usually no with some exceptions. Contact is preferred between work hours. and Visa Versa!
Can an employer contact you outside of work hours?
walk, exercise, cook, read, watch a movie, video games, bubble bath, etc.
What do you do for self-care?
wash hands, take time off if sick, cover your cough, eat well, get enough exercise, take vitamins if needed
How can you prevent getting a cold?
Hi John, I would like to....
How do you start a work email?
Sky is the limit!
What is a good breakfast idea?
9:00am to 5:00pm
What are the typical work hours?
To do something you enjoy. To create purpose outside of work.
Why should you have hobbies?
7-9 hours of sleep
How many hours of sleep should you get a night?
personal information, sensitive subjects
Dear John, you're fired.
What shouldn't you put in an email?
save money healthier quicker than running out to buy something
Why should you pack lunch?
Depends on the person. Good rule of thumb is keep things professional unless you become really good friends with someone.
What's something you maybe shouldn't share with your colleagues?
Winter is long so find ways to enjoy it!
What's a hobby you can do in the winter time?
ski, skate, sled, read, cook, movies, etc. |
Different for everyone. Keep it to under 2 hours
What should you limit your screen time to?
Hi Sam, I'm sorry to say but I won't be able to ...
How would you contact your boss if you couldn't come in?
fruit/veg protein fats water extras
What are the different food groups?
Should you send your colleagues your pyramid scheme link and emails?
At least 15 minutes.
How much time should you spend on yourself everyday?
some say 10,000 but just try to get in a walk once a day
How many steps should you get in a day?
weather, sports, holidays, weekend plans, food
What's something you can make small talk about with your colleagues?
Name one food you wish you ate more of?
Depends. Ask yourself if you're comfortable with that. If not, just say sorry you have to run a few errands.
What would you do if a coworker needs a ride home?
Chat with colleagues, pack a healthy lunch, have snacks, wake up on time, eat a good breakfast, take breaks, get some stretches in
What's something you can do to make your work day better?
yum yum yum
Name 5 fruits/vegetables that you enjoy eating
Ms. Smith until you're told you can call her Karen. Or look at how she ends her email.
How should you address your boss until further instructed?
kg of body weight x 25-30ml =
How much water should you drink a day?