Enrolment & Terminations Beneficiaries Remittances & Contributions Investment Options FAQ's
What is Eligible
Employees become ________ to be enroled on the pension plan after they have completed the waiting period.
What is your Spouse
As per pension legislation, if applicable this person must be listed as your beneficiary.
What are the Cheque & Remittance
2 things are required when sending monthly pension contributions to the pension plan provider.
What is 71
The age you no longer contribute to a Pension Plan.
Who is a Commissioner of Oaths
Along with the employee signature for an SLE, this signature is also required.
What is Personal Information
This type of information is required to be kept up to date eg: address.
What is a Trustee
A trustworthy person who has been appointed to look after pension money for a minor.
What is the Employer Contribution
Amount combined with the employees contribution and remitted to the investment company.
What is Consolidating
Locating and investing past pension monies in one place.
What is Vesting
When an employee has entitlement to the employers contributions, it is known as.
What is the Final Contribution
After termination this is required to be invested prior to the Statement of Options being generated.
What is a Contingent Beneficiary
A good idea to have as a 'back-up' for your primary.
What is a Member Number
Identifies each employee and allows the contributions to be allocated correctly.
What is the Investment Questionnaire
Should be reviewed every 3 years to ensure investment options are up to date.
What is Online Access
Keeping up to date with your retirement account is convenient using this tool.
What is a Statement of Options
Each employee will receive one of these upon termination.
What is a Pension Adjustment (PA)
Box 52 on a T4 Slip
What is a Retirement Date Fund
An investment options that automatically resets the asset mix of stocks, bonds and cash equivalents in its portfolio according to a selected time frame that is appropriate for a particular investor.
What is a Deduction
Requires re-calculation after an employee has had a salary change.
What is the Default Option
If an employee does not elect an investment option, the monies will be invested in.
What is Revocable
Unless specified, your beneficiary is ________ and can be changed at any time.
Who is OSFI
An independent agency of the Government and the primary regulator of Federal pension plans in Canada.
What is a Balanced Fund
A fund geared toward investors who are looking for a mixture of safety, income and modest capital appreciation. The amounts that such a mutual fund invests into each asset class usually must remain within a set minimum and maximum.
What is 72
This number divided by the interest date tells me when my money will double.

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