Working and Trading | Cities, Towns, and Farms | Everyday Life in the Colonies | Slavery in the Colonies | Random Questions |
Who is a young person that learns from a more experienced person?
Benjamin Franklin
What person founded Philadelphia's first newspaper, built the first hospital and first public library as well?
What is the oldest college in the United States?
Northern slaves had more opportunities
Northern slaves worked in stores, inns, and homes Southern slaves worked on plantations
What is one way slavery in the North was different from slavey in the South?
What vocabulary term is a source of facts and figures?
What's the vocabulary term for a skilled worker?
When you rely on yourself for most of what you need
What does self-sufficient mean?
Great Awakening
What's the religious movement when people became more interested in Christianity and built many new churches and colleges to revive the religion?
Made drums, banjos
How did slaves keep African culture alive?
Middle Passage
What was the journey from West Africa to the West Indies called?
What was the job name for people who traded goods to make money?
town common
What was the open space in a colonial town where cattle and sheep could graze?
Families read together
Letter writing was how they communicated
Give one example of why reading and writing was important in the colonies?
Tricking owners by working slowly, breaking tools or pretending to be sick
How did slaves try to resist slavery?
carpenters, blacksmith, tailor
What were some skills Africans brought with them to the colonies?
rice and indigo
What were two important crops located in the southern colonies that did not exist in the middle and New England colonies?
Eliza Lucas Pinckney
What female from South Carolina became the first person in the 13 colonies to raise a successful crop of indigo?
Create a free public school
What was one law passed in Massachusetts that made towns do something?
Stono Rebellion
Name the rebellion in South Carolina when slaves fought against owners and killed 25 white colonists before they were captured and killed.
Towns were more self-sufficient and cities had a more diverse population
How were colonial towns different from colonial cities?
England, Africa, and the 13 colonies, West Indies as well
What countries and colonies did the Triangular Trade Route include?
What city did Benjamin Franklin help grow and thrive?
George Whitefield
What man collected money to build an orphanage in Georgia?
expanded rapidly
In the 1700's did slavery expand rapidly or decrease rapidly?
What city became an important thriving trade city in South Carolina?