Collectivist or Individualist | Collectivist or Individualist | Randomized | Pot Pourri | Blended Mixture |
What is Collectivist?
Welfare Checks
What is Individualist?
Invisible Hand & Laissez Faire
What is a Mixed Economy?
An economy balanced between social programming and market freedom.
What is Reactionary?
Spectrum position that believes that tradition and hesitancy are necessary; think conservatism.
What is an Autocracy?
System of government in which a supreme power is concentrated in the hands of one person.
What is Collectivist?
Coalition Against Islamic State
What is Collectivist?
Health Care
What is Radical?
Spectrum position that believes revolution and change are necessary and must happen fast.
Who is Tommy Douglas?
Father of socialized Medical Care in Canada; he served in government from 1935 until 1979.
What is a Value?
Something typically connected to your own moral code; held as very important to you; a term.
What is Individualist?
Canadian Charter
What is Collectivist?
Labour Unions
Who is John Stuart Mill?
Philosopher believed in liberty and individual freedom; people will improve themselves.
What is a Belief?
A term that means acceptance; that a statement or idea is something you hold to be true.
What is Social Programs?
Government funded policies that exist to assist citizens; Old Age Pensions.
What is Individualist?
Entrepreneurial Spirit
What is Individualist?
USA Bill of Rights
What is Egalitarianism?
A political term that all people should be treated as equals and have the same political, economic, social, and civil rights.
What is Self-Reliance?
The need for each individual to avoid conformity and follow his or her own instincts and ideas; they need to look out for themselves.
What is North Korea?
Communist country in Asia that heavily uses propaganda and censorship against the west.
What is Individualist?
Stock Market Investments
What is Collectivist?
Classless Society
What is a Constitutional Monarchy?
Having an independent government with ties to a monarch as the figurehead leader of their government.
What is the Magna Carta?
Document signed in 1215 by the King of England that limited his powers and gave rights to his citizens.
What is Collective Responsibility?
A concept in which individuals are responsible for other people's actions by tolerating, ignoring, or harbouring them, without actively participating in these actions.