Health and Welfare | Feeding and Accommodation | Behaviour and Handling | Working in the Industry | Biology/ Exotics |
The need for a suitable diet
The need for suitable accommodation The need to be free from pain, suffering, injury and disease Need to be housed with or without others The need to exhibit natural behaviour
Name 2 of the animal welfare needs?
Rabbit, guinea pig, goat, donkey
Name an animal on the unit that needs a high fibre diet?
Basking, sleeping, eating, hiding
Identify two normal behaviours for a bearded dragon?
Dog conformation show, dog agility competitions, heelwork, flyball and other competitions,
trade exhibition
What activities take place at Crufts?
How many chambers does a mammal heart have?
Metabolic bone disease
What disease is caused by lack of calcium in reptiles?
An old animal
What is a geriatric animal?
Claw, towel wrap and Scoop
Name two handling techniques?
Holidays, training, minimum wage
List one legal right of an employee?
What is the name of the enclosure a chameleon lives in?
Assess the situation to check for any potential hazards
You witness an animal being run over, what is the first step you should take?
What is the most appropriate material for a hamster feed and water dish to be made of?
May become obese; may become destructive, may become bored and display other symptoms
associated with boredom
How might lack of exercise affect behaviour?
Which organisation has the role of supporting
captive wild animals through conservation, education and research? |
Vertebrate, Ectothermic, scales, hard shelled eggs (most)
Identify one feature that you can use to classify a reptile?
Animal developing an appetite for
non-nutritious substances
What is Pica?
used by the body to repair and replace injured muscle/tissue/bones.
Why is protein important for an animal recovering from an injury?
Communication between two animals of the same species
What is intraspecific communication?
It is responsible for all laws relating to animals
and animal welfare, and all businesses and practitioners who operate in the sector.
What does DEFRA do?
Phosphorus molecules will bind to calcium meaning they cannot be used by the body- could lead to MBD
Explain why phosphorus in high quantities is bad for a reptile?
A special type of dressing that is applied to infected or damaged areas of the skin to draw out
infections and reduce inflammation.
What is a poultice?
Increased calcium and other mineral content
What benefits do cuttlefish provide to a
bird’s diet? |
An animal is about to start parturition would display what sign?
A sole trader is a business run by one person; the profits belong to the sole trader;
What is a sole trader?
Trachea- Bronchi- Bronchioles- Alveoli- Capillaries
Describe the route that air takes through the respiratory system?