Frequency can/can't Countable & uncountable nouns simple past Vocabulary
Always, never, usually, sometimes, rarely, often
Mention 5 adverbs of frequency
To say something is possible or you have permssion or not.
What is the use of can an can't?
I don't have any sugar, we need to buy a kilo.
Also, I need some oranges because we don't have any on the basket.
Complete the following sentences with a/an/some/any

I don't have ____ sugar, we need to buy ____ kilo.
Also, I need ____ oranges because we don't have _____ on the basket.
Subject + verb in past + complement
What is the structure of the simple past?
read a book, cook a meal, ride a bike, go running, play soccer, play music
mention 5 free-time activities
Every day, On Sundays, in the morning, ever weekend, Once a month, Twice a day
Mention 5 frequency adverbs
Modal verbs
What type of words are can and can't?
a university, an hour, an umbrella, a house, an apple
Say the correct article (a/an) for these words:

__ university, __ hour, __ umbrella, __ house, __ apple
What is the form of the verb be?
stones, pencil, car, people, books, classes, animals
mention 6 countable nouns (no food)
Before the verb, but after the verb be
What is the position of the frequency adverbs in a sentence.
base form
What verb form do you use in sentences with can or can't?
Many is used with countable nous and much is used with uncountable nouns.
Which quantifier is used for big quantities with countable nouns and which one with uncountable nouns?
regular verbs end in -ed and irregular verbs change
What is the difference between regular and irregular verbs in past
cheese, rice, sugar, salt, chicken, pineapple, watermelon, bread, flour, ham
mention 5 uncountable foods (no drinks)
at the beginning of the sentences or at the end. Never in the middle.
What is the position of the frequency expressions in a sentence.
Subject + can + verb (base form) + complement

Subject + can't + verb (base form) + complement
What is the structure of affirmative and negative sentences?
A few is used with countable nous and a little is used with uncountable nouns.
Which quantifier is used for small quantities with countable nous and which one with uncountable nouns?
did and didn't
What auxiliaries do you use in negative and questions for I, you, he, she, it, we, and they?
a bottle, a can, a bag, a box, a piece, a slice, a kilo
mention 6 containers
Subject + negative adverb + verb + complement

I never/rarely drink soda.
How do you write a negative sentece with frequency adverbs
Wh word + can + subject + verb (base form) + complement + ?
What is the structure of a WH question with can?
Any means cero, nothing at all

Not much/many means not a big quantity but a small quantity.
What is the difference between any and much/many in negative and question sentences?
verbs ending in consonant + -y change to -ied
verbs ending in -e add only -d
verbs ending in consonant-vowel-consonant double the last letter
Mention 3 rules of the -ed for regular verbs
eat, cook, mix, serve, fry, smell, taste, chop, spread
mention 5 food verbs

Level 1 Quiz 2

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