Ramadan General Knowledge Layla Tul Qadr Fasting Deeds
9th month.
What number is the month of Ramadan?
The night of decree or Night of Power.
What does "Layla Tul Qadr" mean in English?
By reading the dua and eating a date
According to the sunnah, how should we break our fast?
What are the special sunnah prayer in Ramadan called?
4th pillar - sawm.
Which pillar of Islam is Ramadan?
It was the night the Quran was first revealed.
What significant event happened on Layla Tul Qadr?
The breath of a fasting person.
What smell is most beloved to Allah swt?
Surah Ikhlas
According to the Hadith, which Surah is equivalent (in reward) to 1/3 of the Quran?
The gates of hell are closed and the gates of heaven are open.
What happens to the gates of hell and heaven in Ramadan?
It is one of the odd nights in the last 10 days of Ramadan.
Which night in Ramadan is Layla Tul Qadr?
Wa bisawmi ghadinn nawaiytu min shahri ramadan
What is the dua when keeping the fast?
6 days in the month of Shawwal, after Eid-ul-Fitr.
After Ramadan, what days are highly recommended to fast?
He is locked up.
What happens to shaitaan in the month of Ramadan?
It is as if you have worshipped for 1000 months.
What is the reward for worshipping on the night of Layla tut Qadr?
Allahumma inni laka sumtu, wa bika aamantu, [wa 'alayka tawakkaltu], wa Ala rizqika aftartu
What is the dua to break the fast?
Our Nafs (desires).
What causes us to do bad deeds in Ramadan?
Umrah in Ramadan
What deed is equivalent to hajj in the month of Ramadan?
The time the exact day of Layla Tul Qadr was given to the Prophet (SAW), 2 muslims were fighting. The prophet first stopped them but by then, Allah swt took away the knowledge of the date away.
Why do we not know the exact night of Layla Tul Qadr?
“There are 3 whose supplication is not rejected: the fasting person when he breaks his fast, the just leader, and the supplication of the oppressed person…”
Tirmidhi 3598
Who are the three people that when they make dua, it will be accepted right away?
“Whoever prays Qiyaam (Taraweeh prayer) with the imam until he finished, it will be recorded as if he spent the whole night in prayer”
Tirmidhi 806
What is the reward for praying taraweeh with the imam?

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