Out of this World | Thinking like a scientist | What's the Matter? | I Like to Move It Move It | This and That |
What is a planet
A large round body that revolves around a star
What is volume
The amount of space something takes up.
What are physical properties
Characteristics used to describe matter like color, texture, size and density
What is a non native species
What do we call an organism that is not from a given place?
What is aluminum (metal)
The material that melted ice more quickly than plastic in our lab at the beginning of the year.
What is a comet
A chunk of frozen gases, rock, ice, and dust orbiting the sun.
What is a balance
A tool used to measure the amount of matter in an object, which is the object's mass.
What is density
The mass of an object divided by the volume of an object
What is an invasive species
What do we call an organism that is not native to a specific location and has a tendency to spread, which is believed to cause damage to the environment.
What is a solvent
The thing that does the dissoving
What is a meteorite
Pieces of larger space rocks that survive their passage through the earth's atmosphere that reach Earth's surface.
What is a model
Scientists use these when they can not experiment on the real thing. They help scientist investigate things that are too big, expensive or unpredictable
What is changes its state.
When enough energy is taken in or released matter can changes.
What is igneous rock
A type of rock that cools from magma or lava
What is a Conductor
A material that readily allows electric charges to pass through it and therefore carries electricity well.
What are planets, comets, moons, a star, asteroids
5 objects found in the solar system
What is an experiment
An investigation in which all of the conditions are controlled to test a hypothesis.
What is a gas
Can be compressed when put under pressure
What is gravity
The force of attraction between objects
What is the Sun
The source of most of the Earth's energy.
What is fusion
This is the type of nuclear reaction that takes place in stars
What is a variable
Any condition that can be changed in an experiment.
What is a physical change
A change in which the form or shape
of a substance changes but the chemical makeup of the substance remains the same. |
What is a circuit
A path along which electric charges can flow.
What is an Atom
The smallest unit into which an element can be divided and still retain all the properties of that element.