Aqueous and anterior segment | Lens and cataracts | Retina | Embryology | literally everything for visual (super detailed) |
What is post. epithelium
Ant. epithelium two functions : Secretes aqueous, metabolic activity
Non-pigment epithelium of the ciliary body turns into _______ of the iris. The pigmented epithelium turns into the _______ of the iris.
Name Two Functions Of the NONPIGMENTED ciliary epithelium |
Type 4
Lens has what type of collagen ?
I'm too lazy to type all this. I should have my ipad out lol
Name the 11 layers of the retina. Which two layers are continuous with the non pigmented ciliary epethilium? Which two layers are continuous with the pigmented epithelium?
1- etoderm/ mesenchyme- cloquets canal
2- neuroectoderm 3- neuro ectoderm- Zonlues
The Vitreous has a primary, secondary and tertiary origins, name them. What does the primary become? What does the tertiary become?
OPL--- henles fiber layer ONL ELM PCL RPE
Name the layers of the Foveola. Which turns into a different name, what is it?
Iris root
ciliary body scleral spur TM Schwelbes line
List structures seen in Gonioscopy from anterior to posterior
Nuclear- ARNC
Cortical - ARCC Posterior - Steroid induced cataract, diabetic cataract, secondary cataract
Name the 3 cataract types and the most common cataract for each type
Triad- Two H cells
one invaginating midget bipolar flat midget bipolar
what cell types attach to a triad on the cone photo receptor ? What type attaches to the cone but is NOT part of the triad?
outer- ploriferative (germinal zone)
inner- marginal zone
List the twp layers of the nueral retina
on notes
Name the blood supply for the intraocular/orbital/canalicular/cranial
Zonula occludens of the RPE -
(Iris is freely permeated by aqueous humor, iris blood vessels are not fenestrated) Zonula occludens in retinal nonfenestrated capillaries
what makes up the blood retinal barrier?
(role of the iris and ciliary body) |
Glutathione: membrane transport system/ detoxifies
Ascorbic acid: protects DNA
What are the two main reducing agents found in the lens?
again.. I have my notes
List/ Draw the transduction pathway thingy
outer- Nuerological sheath and optic nerve
inner- Undergoes apoptosis to make room for ganglion cells
What happens to the outer and inner layers of the optic stalk?
pia- inner most- vasculatrue, CT
Arachnoid- Thin layer of collagenous tissue Dura- Dense connective tissue Oligodendrocytes
Describe what surrounds the optic nerve. What are the layers? Describe them.
What cells are found within the optic nerve |
1. Diffusion, ultra filtration, active secretion
2. Active secretion 3. active secretion
Name the three mechanisms involved in aqueos humor production, what plays the greatest role, which secretes into the post chamber?
1- embryonic - first trimester
2. fetal- womb (Y sutures , ant- Y post- upsidown) 3. Lens cortex after puberty
Name the layers of the lens, when they are formed, and which contains the Y suture
Blood retinal barrier
phagocytosis Vit A IPM VEGF/ PEDF absorbs light
Name the 6 functions of the RPE
Bowmans layer
All corneal layers are preset by 3rd gastational month except?
Marginal- collagneous, surrounding glial cells
Intermediate- glial tissue, separates retina and optic nerve Border- Glial, seperates choroid from optic nerve head
Describe and name the three type of tissue you find near the beginning of the optic nerve
conventional - (trabecular)- conreaoscleral meshwork- trabecular meshwork- juxtacanalicular- schlems canal- episcleral conjunctival veins
unconventional - meshwork- CT surrounding ciliary muscle - suprachoroid- sclera- anti ciliary vortex veins
List all the steps of the conventional AND unconventional aqueos outflow
central zone- single row of cuboidal cells , no mitotic activity
Germinal zone : cell mitosis Equitorial zone' Colomnar cells pushed inwards and form secondary lens fibers
Describe process of lens fiber formation
H1- cone to rod
H3- Green cone, red Cone, Rods H2- Blue cone SPECIFIC Red- 588 Green-531 Blue- 420
What are the types of Horizontal cells, where do they terminate?
Post tunica - suppies post lens
Ant tunica- supplies ant lens, is replaces by the pupillary membrane (3rd gastational month) Anular aretry - gives rise to anterior tunica
Name the role of the following hyaloid artery branches
1- Marvocellular - cont
2Marvocellular- ips 3 Par- ips 4Par- cont- thickest - synapse here 5Par-ips 6Par-cont
Name the layers of the LGN and what is significant about each of them?
What does marvocellular and parvocellular mean? |