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What is dumbfound?
To make speechless with amazement.
What is grievous?
Causing grief or pain; hard to bear.
What is placate?
To stop from being angry; to calm.
What is aquatic?
Growing or living in or on water.
What is docile?
Well behaved; easy to handle.
What is ensue?
To follow; to come as a result of or at a later time.
What is hoard?
To save and put away, especially secretly.
What is principal?
Most important.
What is assert?
To say firmly; to declare.
What is dwindle?
To keep on becoming less; to grow smaller in number or amount.
What is era?
A particular period in history.
What is inundate?
To cover, as with water from a flood.
What is recede?
To move back or to drop to a lower level.
What is avert?
To turn away.
What is lethal?
Causing, or capable of causing, death.
What is flourish?
To thrive or prosper.
What is invincible?
Impossible to defeat.
What is ruthless?
Showing no mercy; pitiless.
What is bleak?
Without much hope.
What is monitor?
To watch closely and frequently; to observe and make note.
What is garrison?
Soldiers stationed in a place to protect it.
What is nomad?
A member of a group that settles briefly in one place and then moves on to another.
What is sacrifice?
Something given up for the sake of another.
What is blithe?
Cheerful; carefree.
What is mutilate?
To hurt or damage by cutting into, cutting off, or cutting out.