Faith Peter Testimony Potpourri Videos
What is hope.
When ye have faith, ye __________ for things that are not seen but that are true. (Alma 31:21)
What is deny knowing Christ three times.
Christ told Peter that he would do this before the cock crowed. Luke 22:54-62)
What are reading your scriptures, going to church, taking the sacrament, etc.
Name three things that you do each week that strengthens your testimony.
What are trying to get you to break sabbath day or word of wisdom, swear, etc.
Name ways that others may try to get you to deny your faith/testimony.
What is prayed and then she found 80 additional pesos in her pocket.
The girl did this because she was afraid that she wouldn't have enough money to get to church after getting her needed supplies and then this happened. (Simple and our faith)
What is a seed (mustard).
Faith is often compared to this. (Alma 32:28 and Matthew 17:20)
What is walking on water.
Peter walked in this until Jesus had to stop him from sinking. (Matthew 14:22-33)
What are being an answer to someone's prayers and bearing our own testimony.
Name two ways that we can strengthen the testimony of others.
Who are the Gentiles.
Peter brought the gospel to these people (acts 10 heading)
What is comes in pieces.
Elder Eyring said that comes come to us this way. (Elder Eyring talk)
What is doubt.
Faith and this cannot exist at the same time. (Matthew 14:22-33)
Who is Father in Heaven.
He revealed to Peter that Jesus was the Christ. (Matthew 16:13-17)
What is witness.
We should stand as this at all times. (Mosiah 18:9)
What is that he went from denying the Lord to willing to stand and preach despite the fear of death for doing such.
Discuss how we know that Peter's testimony grew after Christ's crucifixion.
What is Alma of the Book of Mormon.
Elder Uchtdorf references this book of scripture when talking about faith. (Uchtdorf talk)
What is the fourth article of faith.
This Article of Faith specifically mentions faith. (AoF)
What is a blessing that he may walk again and go inside the temple.
When Peter sees a lame begger he tells him that he has no gold or silver to give him but can give him this. (Acts 3:1-9)
What are: we are children of God, Jesus Christ is our Savior, Joseph Smith was a prophet, the Book of Mormon is true, we have and are led by prophets today, and that this is the only true church on the earth.
These are the six main points on which our testimony should focus.
What is: We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God
Recite the ninth article of faith. (AoF)
No answer
Missionary experience
What is by hearing the word of God.
Faith comets by this. (Romans 10:17)
What is went to the temple to preach of Jesus Christ.
After being thrown in jail for preaching about Christ and the jail was opened by angels, Peter did this. (Acts 5:12-42)
No wrong answer.
Share your testimony to the class.
No wrong answer
Share your favorite scripture about faith.
No correct answer.
Watch the following video and share your thoughts. (Kids testimony)

Lesson 37

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