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What is scavenge?
To search through or pick over, looking for something usable.
What is admonish?
To warn.
What is devious?
Having many twists and turns; winding.
What is pioneer?
A person who goes before others and opens the way for them to follow.
What is acquire?
To gain ownership of something; to get by one’s own efforts or actions.
What is slaughter?
To kill in order to obtain meat.
What is aghast?
Struck with horror; shocked.
What is devoid?
Lacking; empty; entirely without.
What is plague?
A deadly disease that spreads rapidly from person to person.
What is antagonize?
To make an enemy of; to stir up anger or dislike.
What is solitude?
The condition of being alone or at some distance from people.
What is annihilate?
To destroy completely; to reduce to utter ruin.
What is heed?
To pay attention to.
What is subside?
To sink to a lower level.
What is competent?
Having the ability to do what is needed.
What is ungainly?
Moving in a clumsy or awkward way.
What is benefactor?
A person who provides help, especially by giving money.
What is mortal?
A human being, especially as contrasted with a god.
What is unwitting?
Not done on purpose; unintended.
What is comprise?
To form; to make up.
What is vulnerable?
Open to attack; easily injured physically or emotionally.
What is bestow?
To give as an honor; to present as a gift.
What is muse?
To think about in a quiet, careful way.
What is wrath?
Forceful anger; fury.
What is correspond?
To match; to be equal to.