The Stamp Act | The Townshend Act | The Sugar Act | Taxes | Vocab |
When is 1765
When was The stamp Act appealed?
When is The Townshend act passed
When is The Sugar Act appealed
What is the British were taxing the colonies for
To pay off war debt
What is revenue
Incoming money from taxes or other sources
What is paper and documents
What did The Stamp Act put tax on?
What is what the British di to make sure the colonists were paying taxes
Sent troops
What is The Sugar Act taxing
Sugar and Molasses
What is what the colonists did instead of paying taxes
What is boycott
To refuse to buy items in order to show disapproval or force acceptance of one’s terms
What is The Seven Years War
What war was the taxes from The Stamp Act trying to pay off?
What is what the British put taxes on
Anything imported to the colonists
What is the colonists using a lot of molasses to make
What is what the British though the colonists should participate in
Paying off the debt of the war
What is repeal
To cancel an act or law
When di the stamp act get repealed?
What is how much the colonists paid taxes of compared to the people in Britian
One twentieth
What is the cost per gallon of smuggled molasses
1.5 pence
What is the war the colonists were being made to help pay for
The French & Indian War
What is Effigy
A mocking figure representing an unpopular individual
What is the stamp given in exchange for
People are given a stamp in exchange for
Who is The Townshend act named after
Charles Townshend
What is the new tax par gallon of molasses after the act
3 pence
What is what was damaged by the colonists smuggling
The colonists revenue
What is Writ of assistance
A court document allowing customs officers to enter any location to search for smuggled goods