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What is Two Face
What is the leader of Gotham
What is Waters, Aquats
What is the war starting point
What is Gotham
What is the largest country
What is 1903
What is the year of the 1st battle
What is a war between Gotham & Metropolis
What is Met vs Goth war
What is Aqualman
What is the leader of Aquats
What is Richer base
What is the name of the Gotham army base
Aquats, Metropolis, Expo
What are the countries of the water powers
what is 1917
1917What is the year of the strinking of Aquats
What is Gotham City
What is the name of the city of Gotham
What isTommy
What is the leader of Metropolis
What is 65%
What percent of the war was in Aquats
What is Ukrinea
What is the second largest country
What is the year of chipping of Met 1904
What is the year of chipping of Met
What is 2
How many rivers are in Metropolis
What is Kindle
What is the leader of the Met army
What is yogatown
What is the name of the capital of salsa town
What is Expo
What is the smallest country
What is 1918
What is the year of the finishing point
What is the largest forest in Gotham
What is the great forest
what is Gronkesy
What is the leader of Salsa town
What is markerland
What is the capital of Expo
What is Gotham, Salsa town, Goth state, UK
What are the Goth power countries
What is 1910
What is the year of the rebals
what is Glory
What is the name of salsa town army