Vocabulario | El condicional | Por v Para | Comparativos | Popurri |
la tumba
The word for "tomb" in Spanish
Change from preterite to conditional:
ofendí |
Por-means of (transportation)
Por or para?
Don Quijote no viaja ________ tren, sino a caballo |
Soy tan alto/a como ella
Translate: I am as tall as her
El océano es más grande que el mar
Translate: The ocean is bigger than the sea
el arroyo
The word for "stream" in Spanish
Change from preterite to conditional:
pusimos |
Para-in order to
Por or Para?
_________ ganar dinero, tienes que trabajar |
Tina es mayor que Ricardo
Translate: Tina is older than Ricardo
El tren saldría para Chicago
Translate: The train would leave for Chicago
Ella se muda a Florida
Translate: She moves to Florida
No sabrían las respuestas
Translate: They would not know the answers
Las tijeras son para cortar
Translate: Scissors are for cutting.
Tenemos menos de siete llaves
We have less than seven keys
Estudio tanto como el estudiante astuto
Translate: I study as much as the astute estudiante
Sacamos fotos de la maravilla
Translate: We take pictures of the marvel
Harías la tarea cada noche
Translate: You would do the homework every night
Por lo general, duermo 8 horas por noche
Translate: Generally, I sleep 8 hours per night.
Jennifer Lawrence y Meryl Streep son las mejores actrices
Jennifer Lawrence and Meryl Streep are the best actresses
El obrero trabajaría por mi cuñado
Translate: The worker would work on behalf of my brother-in-law
La tempestad/tormenta sopla el bosque de lluvia
Translate: The storm blows the rain forest
Señorita Heller no vendría a tu fiesta
Translate: Señorita Heller would not come to your party.
Por llegar al teatro temprano, compré los billetes para mi hermana
Translate: By arriving at the theater early, I bought the tickets intended for my sister
Tiene tanto pelo como ella
Translate: He has as much hair as her
El jardinero tiene tantas flores como arbustos
Translate: The gardener has as many flowers (f) as bushes