LCM | Fractions to Decimals | Decimals to Fractions | Least Common Denominator | Comparing Fractions- True or False |
What is 10
Find the LCM of 2 and 5
What is .375
Convert 3/8 into a decimal
What is 4/5
Convert 0.8 into a simplified fraction
What is 40
Find the LCD of 1/8 and 1/10
What is False
1/8 is > 1/10
What is 30
Find the LCM of 10 and 15
What is .5 repeating
Convert 5/9 into a decimal
What is 3/5
Convert 0.6 into a simplified fraction
What is 21
Find the LCD of 2/7 and 1/3
What is True
5/6 is > 2/10
What is 120
Find the LCM of 16 and 30
What is .75
Convert 3/4 into a decimal
What is 7/50
Convert 0.14 into a simplified fraction
What is 60
Find the LCD of 5/20 and 6/30
What is False
3/8 is = 4/9
What is 24
Find the LCM of 12, 4, and 3
What is 7.2
Convert 36/5 into a decimal
What is 8/25
Convert 0.32 into a simplified fraction
What is 16
Find the LCD of 7/16 and 1/2
What is True
9/12 is = 3/4
What is 200
Find the LCM of 100 and 40
What is 6.25
Convert 25/4 into a decimal
What is 47/50
Convert 0.94 into a simplified fraction
What is 60
Find the LCD of 3/4, 5/6, and 2/10
What is True
6/12 is < 8/10