An important legal term....

Crimes Against Property Historical Foundations Modern Legal History Crimes Against People Criminal Law, United Nations
What is Identity Theft
Using someone's information to steal from them.
What is retributive justice.
It is criminal sentence focused on punishment.
What is precedent
A legal​ ​decision that​ ​sets​ ​the​ ​standard​ ​for similar​ ​cases​ ​in​ ​the​ ​future.
Directly or indirectly causing the death of another human being

The International Police organization responsible for brining large scale crimes to justice.
What is Grand Theft
Theft over $5000.
What is the Magna Carta
The laws
What is the Magna Carta
It was a document signed by "good" King John of England that modernized the rights of citizens by Royal decree.  
Non-culpable homicide
Killing for which someone is not held accountable legally responsible.

Double Jeopardy
A person cannot be tried for the same crime, twice.
What is armed robbery
Using a weapon while committing a robbery.
What is a jury.
A system by which
What is the Adversarial system.
A .legal system​ ​based​ ​on​ ​two opposing​ ​sides​ ​arguing​ ​their  cases​ ​in​ ​front​ ​of​ ​an​ ​impartial judge
Words or actions that might provoke a person to lose control and act impulsively.
What is the Supreme Court of Canada
It is the highest court in Canada.
What is Trafficking
Transporting a large amount of illegal drugs for the purpose of sale.
What is the twelve tables
One of first legal codes in Roman law.
What is the Napoleonic Code
It was the French​ ​civil​ ​code​ ​enacted​ ​by Napoleon​ ​Bonaparte​ ​in 1804
Defined as any culpable homicide that is not classified as murder or infanticide
What are war crime
Crimes that go against the rules of engagement in war - ie. destroying places of worship, bombing schools, hospitals and engaging in the killing of non combatants in war.
What is money laundering
Taking "dirty" money and investing it in legitimate ways like buying real estate.
What is Justinian's Code.
A compilation of Roman law commissioned by Emperor Justinian I.
What is the Great Binding Law
​The recording​ ​of​ ​aboriginal​ ​oral laws​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Iroquois Confederacy of the 15th Century.
What is Perpetrator
A person who commits a criminal offence
UN Declaration of Human Rights
  The International agreement that protects individual rights and freedoms at a basic level.
laundering proceeds of crime
Leonard, Howard, and Sheldon have been making money as bookies.
They have accumulated about $200,000 in cash. They decide to start a
‘dummy company’ called Fizzicks Roolz Inc. where they deposit their
illegal money, and make it look legitimate. What crime are they

LAW 12 - Week 8

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