Society | 20th Century | Latin America and the World | Mexico and Central America | More turmoil |
What is poverty?
Inequality along with a rigid class structure, a swiftly growing population and urbanization that led to unrest in Latin America.
What is OAS (Organization of American States)?
In 1948 the organization was created to unify the countries of Latin America, but the United States of America managed to join.
What is Venezuela?
Latin America country joined with Arab nations to set oil prices.
What is economic boom?
New oil prices and rising energy prices affected Mexico in the 1970's.
Who is Aristede?
The United States worked to reinstate him in order to bring democracy back to Haiti.
What is Catholic Nuns and Priests?
2 groups that started a movement in Latin American territories toward correcting social injustice.
What is before World War II?
When the United States and Cuba became friendly.
What is coffee prices?
In order to control this, Brazil joined with African nations.
What are foreign industries?
This provided more jobs to Mexican citizens in the 1980's.
What is Haiti?
The poorest nation in Latin America.
What is urbanization?
In the 1900's, Africa broke up families and weakened cultural traditions.
What is Fidel Castro?
In 1959, he led a revolt in Cuba against a dictator supported by the United States.
What is drug trade and destruction of the rain forests?
In order to control this, the nations in America joined forces.
What are cruelty, poverty, and corrupt government?
3 conditions that sparked civil wars in Nicaragua, Guatemala, and El Salvador.
What is Brazil?
Inflation has fed them by higher oil prices causing staggering debt.
What is the United States?
A country's influence that Latin America tried to limit in order to exercise greater independence.
What is the Soviet Union?
Fidel Castro formed ties with them after the break with the United States.
What is civil wars?
During the postwar era this battered several Central Americans, while Mexico had little turmoil.
What is a historical event in Haiti in 1990?
Free elections were held here.
What is the Amazon region?
Despite environmental concerns economic development of the region continued.
What is banning foreign-owned businesses?
Juan Peron's platform that appealed to the nationalists in Argentina.
What is nuclear missiles placed in Cuban bases by the Soviets?
An event that sparked Cold War tensions between the United States and Cuba.
What is the second largest economy in Latin America?
After WWII Mexico work to cut foreign influence.
Who is the first "free" elected president of Haiti?
Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a priest.
What is Argentina?
In 1946 the nation that elected Juan Peron as president.