Language Basics Language Basics 2 Early Language Learning All in Your Head In the Swing of Things
What is phonology?
The rules of language governing the sounds used to make syllables and words
What is semantics?
The study of the meaning system of a language
What is intersubjectivity?
The sharing of experiences with others
What is executive functioning?
The brain's central function that allocates and coordinates mental resources
What are scripted events?
Events which are not the same each time, but relatively familiar
What is sociolinguistics?
An approach to the study of language variation and adaptation which considers the ways social constructs impact upon language and which makes use of observation of natural conversations
What is social communication?
The intersection of language and social behaviors observed during peer interations; the verbal and nonverbal behaviors children display as they approach peers, maintain conversations, and resolve conflicts during peer interaction
What is scaffolding?
Linking the amount of support provided to the child's abilities; treating the child as a conversational partner
What is information processing?
The way in which humans organize and make sense of information in the environment
What are routines?
Prefabricated units involving established verbal and nonverbal exchanges through which children conceive of and participate in repeated events
What is a derivational morpheme?
Changes the part of speech of a free morpheme
What is (Linguistic) competence?
The inner knowledge one has of language and all of its linguistic rules and structures
What is initiating behavioral requests?
Child uses eye contact, gesture, etc. to help in getting an object or accomplishing a task
What is Theory of Mind?
Ability to realize and understand that people have thoughts, beliefs, and feelings, and that these may or may not be the same as one's own
What is a script?
Our understanding of the way an event is organized
What is a dialect?
A variety of language that is shared by a particular speech community
What is the comparative method of historical linguistics?
This method makes it possible to compare a group of related languages and reconstruct a parent language
What is joint attention?
A shared focus between a child and another person
What is the False Belief task?
Classic test of theory of mind
What is Duality of patterning?
The use of a finite set of elements, in various rearrangements, to convey an infinite set of messages
What is semanticity?
The ability to represent ideas, events, and objects symbolically
What are components of child-directed speech?
Shorter utterances, fewer complex sentences, exaggerated prosodic features, fewer corrections of child's syntactic errors, topics drawn from current context.. etc.

Language Development

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