Tundra | Taiga | Decidous Forest | Tropical Rain Forests | Grasslands |
What is cold & dry with long dark winters and short cool summers
what is the climate
long cold winters short warm moist
What is the climate
cold winters and hot humid summers
What is the climate
warm and wet all year round
What is the climate
wet and dry seasons
What is the climate
artic poppy
What are some producers
moose & beavers
What are some consumers
maple trees and green bushes
What are some producers
vines and orchard
warm and wet all year round
grass and wild flowers
What are some producers
Polar Bears and Artic Hares
What are some consumers
pine trees & moss
What are some consumers
white-tailed deer and squirrels
What are some consumers
snakes, toucans and froggies
What are some consumers
zebras and buffalo/ bison
What are some consumers
northern europe
What is a example
What is a example
What is a examples
South America
What is a example
What is a example
Northern Asia
what is a example
Southern Iceland
What is a example
What is another question to have
i dont know
What is a example
prairies , savanna and meadows
What is another name for grasslands