What is 1949?
In this year, Hopalong Cassidy became the first network Western television series.
What is the Wired-Haired Pinscher?
In the early 1900s, the dog breed "Schnauzer" was the common name for the breed. Prior to that, the breed was known by this name.
What is a horse?
Topper is this breed of animal.
What is tres' leches French toast?
On a Sunday morning cleanout at the lake house, Bob created breakfast from this Saturday night's dessert.
What are peonies?
This P word are Aunt Nancy's favorite flower.
What is Rowan Sebastian Atkinson?
This is the name of the British actor and comedian known as "Mr. Bean."
What is the Northern Cardinal?
This is the most common bird in Texas.
Who is Riley?
This dog loved to lay in the middle of the lake house kitchen during meal prep and loved being in the lake.
What is Takis?
This Mexican snack comes in a purple bag labeled "Fuego".
What is the lift?
This is what they call an elevator if you're in England.
What is 1987
The romantic comedy Moonstruck was released in this year.
What is a koala bear?
This cute marsupial usually dines on eucalyptus leaves.
What is Poppy?
This five-letter P word is the star of Trolls.
What is a margarita?
The classic Mexican drink that includes tequila and has a salted rim.
What is a palindrome?
The term for a word or phrase that reads the same forward and backward.
What is "traitor"?
This Olivia Rodrigo lyric ends with the word that is the name of the song:
It took you two weeks To go off and date her Guess you didn't cheat But you're still a _______. |
What is a murder?
The term for a group of crows.
What is baste?
This word refers to the cooking term that involves spooning liquid usually over large cuts of meat.
What is grape, cherry, blue raspberry and sangria margarita?
These are the four flavors of snow cone flavorings that we have here at the lake house.
What are Google & Bing?
These are the top two search engines in the world.
What is Birdman?
This movie recommendation made us all think Chris was a little off-center.
What is 1966?
The year Troy Aikman was born.
What is a brief?
This five letter word can either refer to a legal document or underwear.
What is $70 million?
This is the net worth of celebrity Chef Emeril Lagasse (hint: it's under $100 million).
What is 1919?
The year snow cones were invented by Samuel Bert, known as King Sammie, at the Texas State Fair?