Late Night Snacks | LITTLE A's | Injuries | PAST POINTS GAME/Shennigans | Bonus Mix! |
Who is Kim
What was the name of the woman who ran the omlette bar?
Which ice cream flavor did Greg bring Abby when she was sick that made her almost break up with him?
Halls Door
[2-Part Questions] What surface did Danielle tell the nurse she cracked her headopen on? What did she actually crack her head open on?
Lick rim of solo cup while making eye contact; at Big Dick Mick's house
What act were you to perform on Joe Brooks and where?
Turkey Baster
What Kitchen Utensil will Big D be whipping out in Aspen this year, for tradition sake?
1) Corn Dog
2) 6?
[2-Part Question] Define a Health Missile. What's the most Alex ate in one night?
What is $800
How much did Alex pay someone to braid her hair in Bahamas?
What disease was transmitted in this photo*:
She just lost 1000 Kilos
Dava reacived points for making out with someone in Germany after telling him what?
Horse Organs
Ashley changed Lilly's Facebook password to what freshman year?
beach club no meat
*bonus + aggressively hand crunched (jalapeno) chips
What was Gemma's Jimmy Johns sandwich order?
Curious George & The Man in the Yellow Hat
What was Ashley & Pauls first halloween costume?
coxsackie virus
Alex was diagnosed with what viral infection Freshman year?
turtle shorts lilly
who holds the award for having the oldest pair of underwear? can you describe them?
Who got a *semi*boner taking a photo with Abby at Lamba formal?
cheesey pasta
What was Paul's favorite homemade meal?
Anna Karenina
What was the book that Martin sent to Alex along with his love letter?
Falling off a horse (is this right? or did i make all of this up?)
In what country did Abby break her wrist? Bonus for how she broke it.
Cody slept with a girl who left her sock bun and the boys thought it was a nuva ring
What did Ashley overhear at lambda regarding a sock bun?
Which semi-pro (?) snowboarded did Alex fall in love with for one night?
Jason's Thai
Which Thai restaurant did we always go to for birthdays?
Rainbow Bunchie
what's the name of Alex's favorite colorful cartoon animal?
Rubber ducky t-shirt and silk pajama pants (any more detail I'm forgetting??)
What was Gemmas go-to Drunk Pajama outfit
SIKE! No one
Which one of us slept with Big Dick Mick?
What is "Tasteful Nude"
Dava sent a _____ to Kanye West via DM (and David Winter)