Theories | Theories 2 | Theories 3 | Theories 4 | Theories 5 |
L1 acquisition is rule-governed and not lists of memorized word pairs
What did the wug tests tell us about L1 acquisition?
It contains principles that are universal to all human languages.
What does Universal Grammar contain?
Humans are programmed to develop certain kinds of knowledge and skills at specific times, and if they do not do so at that time period, they may never learn how.
What is the Critical Period Hypothesis?
This is the process of reducing connections that are too broad to more specific ones.
What is pruning?
The use of two languages in the same utterance [intra-utterance mixing] or stretch of conversation [inter-utterance mixing].
What is code-switching / code-mixing?
Behaviorism, Innatism, Interactionism.
What are the 3 main theoretical positions of L1 acquisition?
Because children are pre-equipped with UG, all they have to learn is the ways in which the language they are acquiring makes use of these principles.
How does Universal Grammar aid L1 acquisition?
Language learning occurs as a result of the myriad of interactions in which children engage with people and objects in their environment.
What is the main premise of Interactionist Perspective?
These are children who learn two languages from birth/earliest childhood.
What are simultaneous bilinguals?
Research shows that children do indeed code-mix following the patterns and rules of adults, giving clear evidence to the development of 2 separate grammars (sets of grammar rules) in the BLFA child
Do bilingual children code-mix the same ways that adults do?
imitation and practice.
What are the primary language development processes of Behaviorism?
Its role is to uncover the underlying rules of the language system to which they are exposed
What role does the language acquisition device (LAD) play in L1 acquisition according to Chomsky?
A supportive one.
What sort of environment does Vygotsky suggest is necessary for L1 acquisition?
These are persons who learn the L2 later in life.
What are sequential bilinguals?
BFL babies can distinguish sounds and babble at about the same time as monolingual babies.
What phonological phenomenon are the same in BFLA and monolingual L1 acquisition?
These examples show that children look for patterns and generalize them to new contexts, discrediting Behaviorism.
What conclusion can we make from the boy who makes up the word 'doc' to express the idea that "Swimmers swim so doctors doc"?
Children do not only produce sentences that mimic the ones they hear in the environment; they produce novel utterances using words and grammar structures they’ve heard in the input.
What observation did Chomsky base his theory on?
This theory suggests that children form links or connections between words and phrases and situations in which they occur.
What is Connectionism Theory?
Additive bilingualism is better than subtractive bilingualism because in additive bilingualism there is maintenance of the home/family language while the other language is also being acquired, causing positive consequences such as maintenance of the home
Which is better: additive or subtractive bilingualism?
Perception of sounds and word learning.
What phonological phenomenon is different in BFLA and monolingual L1 acquisition?
Language learning is innate and that the same universal principles underlie all languages
What is major premise of Chomsky's Nativism theory of L1 acquisition?
As the child is exposed to the input, the LAD sets the parameters for that language.
How does the LAD work?
According to some researchers, child-directed speech is one way to offer babies a supportive language environment.
What is the connection between child-directed speech and the Interactionist Perspective?
BFL learners acquire linguistic properties at about the same rate as monolingual learners.
What do we know about BFLA regarding morphology?
Production of first words, rate of vocabulary acquisition, distribution of words is at about the same as monolinguals.
What do we know about BFLA and the lexicon?