Can I Do That? | Not Sure? | Good Idea/Bad Idea | Monitoring Practices | Is This Necessary? |
(YES) It is acceptable for teachers to receive paper or electronic Test Administration Manuals (TAMs) prior to the first day of testing.
Is it acceptable for testing staff to receive or access Test Administration Manuals (TAMs) prior to the first day of testing?
(YES) It is required to create seating charts for all test sessions – group and individual.
Are seating charts required for makeup testing sessions?
(NO) It is not acceptable to allow a student a few more minutes beyond the stop time to finish an exam if he/she has worked diligently. - It is acceptable for test administrators to observe any time limits and follow the specific directions in the provided manuals.
Is it acceptable to allow a student a few more minutes beyond stop time to finish an exam if he/she has been working diligently?
Observing the room from the sides is a good monitoring practice.
No, mathematics reference sheets are no longer provided. Instead the formulas are embedded within specific assessment items.
KSA Math Reference Sheets
(NO) It is not acceptable for a teacher to use his/her personal cellphone to communicate with another teacher about a testing situation in the classroom.
Is it acceptable for a teacher to use his/her personal cellphone to communicate with another teacher about a testing situation in the classroom?
(NO) It is not acceptable to announce on the intercom each day the results of the Good Faith Effort Checklist. Nor is it acceptable to announce to your testing group.
Is it acceptable to announce on the intercom each day the results of the Good Faith Effort Checklist?
(YES) It is acceptable to indicate to a student the appropriate work area in a test booklet or student response booklet after a testing session has begun. Report the incident to the Building Assessment Coordinator (BAC) who willthen provide further details. - Administering test sections in the order in which they appear in the test booklets, with students of the same grade being simultaneously tested in the same content area and test session in a given school.
Is it acceptable to indicate to a student the appropriate work area in a test booklet or student response booklet after a testing session has begun?
No, do not check email during testing. This can be proven if ever audited or if there is an allegation.
Checking email is a good monitoring practice.
Yes, KSA Writer's Reference Sheet as well as a KSA Opinion Rubric
On-Demand Writing (ODW) Rubrics and Writer's Reference Sheets
(NO) It is not acceptable to take pictures of test items for use next year in order to teach the correct content. Concepts appropriate for curriculum instruction can be found in Kentucky’s content standards. Test administrators may use released test items and support materials posted on the KDE website to help prepare students for the assessment.
Is it acceptable to take photos of test items for use next year so that you know you are teaching the correct content?
(NO) It is not acceptable to let students know that they are doing a good job on test responses.
Is it acceptable to let students know that they are doing a good job on test responses?
(YES) It is acceptable to allow students to read library or personal books as each student finishes and test materials are collected. This is a local decision to allow this practice or not.
Is it acceptable to allow students to read library or personal books as each student finishes and test materials are collected?
Walking up and down the aisles is a good monitoring practice.
Yes, these are considered secure materials and should be returned to the BAC.
Student Testing Tickets and Seal Codes
(NO) It is not acceptable to read only the bold type instruction script in the TAMs and skip the test administrator directions for those who have been a test administrator in previous years. Test manuals are updated yearly.
Is it acceptable to read only the bold type instruction script in the TAMs and skip the test administrator directions if you have been a test administrator in previous years?
(NO) It is not acceptable on a Good Faith Effort Checklist to require students to use a strategy they learned in class when answering test questions. Requiring a certain strategy interferes with student ownership.
Is it acceptable on a Good Faith Effort Checklist to require students to use a strategy they learned in class when answering test questions?
(NO) It is not acceptable to allow students to use handheld calculators instead of the online calculator, unless the online calculator is not functioning, or the student has a disability requiring a handheld calculator.
Is it acceptable to allow general education students to use a handheld calculator instead of the online calculator?
Hard NO.
Grading papers is a good monitoring practice.
No way.
Is it appropriate for a test administrator to a word in a KSA question for a student during the test.
(NO) It is not acceptable to leave content visible during any state assessment, operational or a field test. The DAC will conduct a walkthrough prior to testing.
Is it acceptable to leave content on the walls in the testing room when administering a field test?
(NO) It is not acceptable to point out to a student that he/she probably hasn’t written enough for an extended response. It is not acceptable to encourage students to edit their responses by providing evaluation of student work.
Is it acceptable to point out to a student that he/she probably hasn’t written enough for a constructed response?
(YES) it is acceptable, if feedback is provided to enhance student learning. Scrimmages, content review, benchmark testing types of activities are acceptable, if results are used to guide further instruction and to identify and improve areas of student weakness.
Is it acceptable to do scrimmages or test prep activities?
Indicating the student has not provided enough information is a good monitoring practice.
Should possible irregularities are testing allegations be reported to the BAC or DAC immediately?