Sports Mascots | Horse Pucky | The Unsinkable | Gymnastics | Round or Oblong |
What is Huskies.
University of Washington
University of Conneticut Emmett |
What is Appaloosa
Idaho's State Horse
What is a glacier.
Titanic ran into this to cause damge to the ship.
What is The Olympics.
Competition that is held every four years. Many countries compete.
What is football and basketball.
Two bad ass sports.
What is Broncos.
Fayetteville State Univerity
Denver BSU |
What is Gelding
Neutered Male Horse
What is New York.
Titanics Destination
What is leotard.
Uniform used by gymnists.
What is out of bounds.
Penalty for stepping over the line with the ball.
What is Falcons
Air Force Academy
Atlanta (NFL) Vallivue High School |
What is Haaaaayyyyy!!!
What gay horses eat
What is 1500.
Approximate number of lives lost when Titanic sunk.
What is uneven bars.
Two bars that are different heigh allowing gymnists to jump from bar to bar.
What is how to start a football or basketball game.
Kick off and jump ball.
What is Cougars
College of Charleston Caldwell High School |
What is 1200 pounds.
Average horse weight
What is 20.
But is could of hauled 64.
Number of life boats on the Titanic.
What is tumbling.
Somersaults, rolls, and handsprings performed without the use of a beam or bars.
What is time out.
Taking a break during the game.
What is Bulldogs.
Ferris State University
University of Georgia Nampa High School |
What is American Pharoah
Famous horse that won the grand slam this year.
What is 74.
The number of years it took to find the wreck of the Titanic.
What is floor excersise.
An event in gymnastics consisting of various tumbling and ballet movements. Usually with music.
What is passing interference.
Penalty when a player obstucts the receiver's ability to make a catch.