Background of Korean War | Causes of Korean War #1 | Cause of Korean War #2 | Cause of Korean War #3 | Effects on Korean War on relevant parties |
Which country first annexed Korea in 1910?
South Korea, 1949. South Korean Navy attacked the North's west coast fleet
Who attacked first?
Domino Theory
What did the US labelled the threat of Communism spread as?
Soviet launching its own Atomic bomb
What event threatened the USA's nuclear supremacy?
The Korean War heightened US fears of further Soviet aggression elsewhere, therefore the NSC-68 recommendations to triple the defence budget were approved.
What was the effect on USA?
Which conference did the West decide to separate North and South Korea
North Korea was prepared to invade South Korea to unify Korea.
What is the reason for Kim Il Sung seeking Stalin's help in 1950?
Communists took over the biggest country in Asia.
Why was China an evidence in the Domino Theory?
Gen Douglas MacArthur
Who was the Supreme Commander that led the UN troops against the North?
Which country was China having problems with due to the Cold War? (other than South Korea)
38th parallel
What is the imaginary line that separates the North and South called?
25 June 1950
When did North Korea attacked the South?
Created the fear that the Soviet Union was set against the US.
What is the NSC report about?
Getting China involved after pushing back the North pass the Yalu River
What else did the UN do that made the Korean War worse?
The war had cost the lives of over 300,000 civilians and property damage was huge. The peninsula became permanently divided with no hope of reunification.
What did it costs Korea?
Syngman Rhee
Who is the leader of South Korea during this period of time?
USA did not give additional help in terms of finances and military
Why was Kim Il Sung confident in conquering the South?
Feb 1950
When did China and Soviet Union formally became allies?
Military Parity
What is the concept of equal military power?
China’s reputation grew after the War, having successfully pushed back US forces. This increased Mao Zedong’s reputation and helped him to consolidate the Communist revolution in China.
How did Mao benefit from the Korean War?
People live and work in the DMZ
Why is the DMZ unique in Korea?
He was confident that USA would support him
Why did Syngman Rhee choose to attack the North constantly?
The Asian communist power that was able to support North Korea instead USSR
Why was China important in the Korean War?
He had the support of both Stalin and China
Why was Kim Il Sung confident in defeating the South Korean Army?
The USA’s decision to triple its military spending, rearm West German, maintain troops in Europe and contain Communism in Asia drew the USSR into a wider, global conflict.This would stretch Soviet commitments throughout the world, harming their economy.
How did it effect USSR in the long term?